Testamentary dispositions in the Imperium Romanum Report on the conference on 13–15 November 2024 The ancient Roman law of codicils responded to a demand in society for more flexibility in forming testamentary dispositions. In doing…
Interview with Ferdinando Mazzarella about the Committee for Italian-German legal relations In the 1930s, Fascist Italy under Mussolini and National Socialist Germany agreed on closer political cooperation and entered into a military alliance as the…
Dear Readers, The EViR blog has moved and can now be found at Not only does this relocation go hand in hand with a new, more appealing design, but also with an expansion of…
Contribution to the MS Wissenschaft: The mutability of notions of freedom Under the slogan “Freedom”, Science Year 2024 refers explicitly to the 75th anniversary of Germany’s Basic Law, which already points to the close ties…
Interview with Giacomo Mariani about the papal persecution of Ancona’s Jewish community The expulsion of the Jews from the Iberian Peninsula in the 1490s marked a turning point for Jewish life and Jewish identity in…
Interview with Éva Jakab on Greek customs in Roman inheritance law The transfer of assets from one generation to the next is a key social process, and already had a legal framework in antiquity. Dealing…
The EViR Blog of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Legal Unity and Pluralism” publishes articles on legal pluralism and legal unity in different societies from antiquity to the present. Fellows and staff of the Kolleg provide insights into their research in the fields of history, law, anthropology and neighbouring disciplines. Contact:
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